Events health and safety

Event definition
For the purpose of this protocol an ‘event’ is defined as an activity (or group of activities) which:
- are distinct from routine University operations (e.g lectures, seminars, research, meetings etc.) and/ or
- have the potential to impact the normal activities of staff, students or the public
Due to the atypical nature of these events, increased risks may arise which require a higher level of consideration, safety management and input from appropriate University departments.
Please note: this protocol applies to events which take place repeatedly, or on a regular basis, (i.e open days, careers fairs, public lectures) which may be considered ‘business as usual’ to some University teams. Please see the Events Health and Safety Guidance for further information.
Event procedures
Different procedures and control measures need to be followed depending on the category (minor or significant) and location (on or off University premises) of your event. The details below outline the key points to consider and the Procedures for Events document provides a useful flowchart to guide you through the steps.
Event location
Events are classified as either on or off University premises:
On University premises
An event which takes place on campus or at other locations which are owned, rented or under the direct control of the University.
Off University premises
An event which takes place in locations which are not under the direct control of the University. This may include overseas venues.
Minor and Significant events
Events are categorised as minor or significant. To determine the category of your event, please check the classification guidance below. If you are still unsure, please seek advice from your Health and Safety Manager.
What is a minor event?
Events are classified as minor if they fall within the following parameters:
- attendee numbers are under control so the venue capacity cannot be exceeded
- no third parties (e.g. contractors) are providing a service before, during or after the event
- the event is non-contentious and unlikely to attract negative publicity
- no hazard has been identified to attendees from any performance, demonstration or presentation
- no significant preparation or breakdown work (e.g building a stage) required for the event
- unaccompanied attendees are over the age of 18 years
- no potentially hazardous elements are involved in the event (e.g. vehicles moving, animals, inflatable structures, naked flames, chemicals, lasers, radiation)
- no additional significant hazards are associated with the event (please see the Events Health and Safety Risk Assessment Table for examples)
Additional requirements for events on University premises to be classified as minor:
- any food is either prepared and supplied by the Delivered Catering Team or is provided as part of a small-scale, contained event to be attended (in the majority) by co-workers and invited external guests only
- any alcohol is either supplied and served by the Delivered Catering Team or offered as part of a small-scale, contained event to be attended (in the majority) by co-workers and invited external guests only
- food and drinks are provided to attendees for free, or for charitable donations only
- the event is held in a space (indoors or outdoors) where a booking system is used (e.g. timetabling, events, school/service contacts)
- any gazebo or shelter is provided by the University of Leeds Catering and Events team or the External Spaces team
- the event is held between the hours of 7am and 7pm, during weekdays, Monday to Friday (i.e. not during a University closed day)
- no alterations are made to building fabric or services
- waste produced is within capacity of the regular cleaning provision to the area
Additional requirements for events held off University premises (including international events) to be classified as minor:
- formal bookings are made with a venue (e.g. contract or hire agreement)
- the Event Organiser is provided with venue safety information (e.g. fire evacuation)
- food and drink (including any alcohol) is prepared and supplied by the venue
- any outdoor structures required are provided as part of the contract/agreement
- the removal of any excessive waste is agreed by the venue in advance
- the event does not require the venue to apply for additional licencing
- transport for attendees is arranged through contracted suppliers (e.g. coaches/minibuses)
What is a significant event?
Events are considered significant if they do not fall into the minor event definition above. These events do not automatically carry further complexity. In practice, the main difference is the requirement to assess the elements of the event which introduce additional risk. See the Events Health and Safety Risk Assessment Table and the Guide to Risk Assessing Significant Events for assistance.
Roles and responsibilities
All events require a nominated Event Organiser and Event Approver. The responsibilities and actions for each role are provided below:
Who is an Event Organiser?
An Event Organiser is the person identified locally to control and manage all aspects of the health and safety of the event to ensure it runs smoothly and safely. The Event Organiser can be:
- a staff member
- a student (students must be supported by a University or LUU member of staff)
- an external contact/organisation. Sometimes an external organisation may wish to host an event on campus. In this case the Event Organiser role can be facilitated by: a current member of staff who will accept and fulfil the role and required actions of the Event Organiser; or the University Conference and Events team, who may apply a commercial charge for this service
Event Organisers carry out the duties outlined in the Roles and Actions Table and should either themselves, or with the support of a team, have the authority and experience to make decisions regarding the risks associated with the event, both before and during the activity.
Who is an Event Approver?
The role of the Event Approver is to review and agree that the control measures outlined within event risk assessments/checklists can be implemented and would manage risks.
- For a minor event the approver can be a line manager or an individual with sufficient knowledge of the event to judge that the control measures will keep everyone safe.
- For a significant event a Head of School or Service (or LUU Senior Officer for student-led events) needs to be the approver due to the additional risks involved.
The responsibilities of the Event Approver are outlined in the Roles and Actions Table.
Procedures guidance
The details below provide guidance on the appropriate processes and documents you need to follow – and complete - in planning your event.
I am running a minor event on University premises
- Review the Roles and Actions Table which provides a summary of the responsibilities required of the Event Organiser and Event Approver
- Download and review the Events Health and Safety Proforma ON University Premises Risk Assessment (pre-completed by Health and Safety Services) and ensure you implement the control measures (which is done by completing the Actions for Event Organisers).
- Download and verify that the risk assessment actions have been completed by populating the Events Health and Safety Checklist ON University Premises. If this checklist does not cover all aspects of your event you can add extra sections where appropriate.
- Completed Events Health and Safety Checklists for minor events need to be agreed by the nominated Event Approver. For minor events on University premises, this can be a line manager or an individual with sufficient knowledge of the event to judge that the control measures will keep everyone safe.
The Procedures for Events Held On University Premises provides a useful flowchart to guide you through the above steps.
I am running a significant event on University premises
- Review the Roles and Actions Table which provides a summary of the responsibilities required of the Event Organiser and Event Approver.
- Download the Events Health and Safety Risk Assessment Table which outlines guidance and areas of risk to consider in developing risk assessments for significant events. Actions are provided to assist Event Organisers which, when complete, ensure control measures have been implemented.
- Download the Events Health and Safety Proforma ON University Premises Risk Assessment which provides instructions and a template of the risks associated with most events. Significant events require Section 2 of this document to be completed. To populate this area, transfer the information from the Events Health and Safety Risk Assessment Table (linked above) to begin building the risk assessment specific to your event.
- See the Guide to Risk Assessment of Significant Events which offers step-by-step instructions in developing Section 2.
- Seek Health and Safety approval of the risk assessment – this is required prior to the event being approved locally.
- Download, follow the prompts and populate the Events Health and Safety Checklist ON University Premises document to verify that arrangements are in place to control risks.
- Completed Risk Assessments and Events Health and Safety Checklists for significant events require agreement from the nominated Event Approver that the control measures in place can be implemented and would manage the risks. A Head of School or Service (or LUU Senior Officer for student-led events) should be the approver for a significant event due to the additional risks involved.
The Procedures for Events Held On University Premises provides a useful flowchart to guide you through the above steps.
Please note: You may need to attach additional documents to your Event Health and Safety Risk Assessment for a significant event. For example, if you are using external contractors for setting up a stage/marquee/play equipment you will need copies of their risk assessments and public liability insurance.
If the Event Health and Safety Risk Assessment Table requires permission to be obtained as a control measure (ie from the Facilities Directorate or Fire Safety Managers), confirmation of this needs to be saved with the approved risk assessment.
I am running a minor event off University premises
- Review the Roles and Actions Table which provides a summary of the responsibilities required of the Event Organiser and Event Approver
- Download and review the Events Health and Safety Proforma OFF University Premises Risk Assessment (pre-completed by Health and Safety Services) and ensure you implement the control measures (which is done by completing the Actions for Event Organisers).
- Download and verify that the risk assessment actions have been completed by populating the Events Health and Safety Checklist OFF University Premises. If this checklist does not cover all aspects of your event you can add extra sections where appropriate.
- Completed Events Health and Safety Checklists for minor events need to be agreed by the nominated Event Approver. For minor events on University premises, this can be a line manager or an individual with sufficient knowledge of the event to judge that the control measures will keep everyone safe.
The Procedures for Events Held Off University Premises provides a useful flowchart to guide you through the above steps.
I am running a significant event off University premises
- Review the Roles and Actions Table which provides a summary of the responsibilities required of the Event Organiser and Event Approver.
- Download the Events Health and Safety Risk Assessment Table which outlines guidance and areas of risk to consider in developing risk assessments for significant events. Actions are provided to assist Event Organisers which, when complete, ensure control measures have been implemented.
- Download the Events Health and Safety Proforma OFF University Premises Risk Assessment which provides instructions and a template of the risks associated with most events. Significant events require Section 2 of this document to be completed. To populate this area, transfer the information from the Events Health and Safety Risk Assessment Table (linked above) to begin building the risk assessment specific to your event.
- See the Guide to Risk Assessment of Significant Events which offers step-by-step instructions in developing Section 2.
- Seek Health and Safety approval of the risk assessment – this is required prior to the event being approved locally.
- Download, follow the prompts and populate the Events Health and Safety Checklist OFF University Premises document to verify that arrangements are in place to control risks.
- Completed Events Health and Safety Risk Assessments and Events Health and Safety Checklists for significant events require agreement from the nominated Event Approver that the control measures in place can be implemented and would manage the risks. A Head of School or Service (or LUU Senior Officer for student-led events) should be the approver for a significant event due to the additional risks involved.
The Procedures for Events Held Off University Premises provides a useful flowchart to guide you through the above steps.
Please note: Significant events held off University premises can have a huge number of variables. Event Organisers must contact their Health and Safety Team for advice on the development of the Event Health and Safety Risk Assessment and suitable control measures.
When holding an event off University premises, you will also need to follow the health and safety requirements of the venue you are using. If you have made a formal booking/payment for use of a venue then these requirements may be outlined in your terms and conditions. If a venue requires a risk assessment for your event you can share the Events Health and Safety Risk Assessment and Events Health and Safety checklist.
Event permissions
Some aspects of events require permission from specific teams within the University. Obtaining permission from these individuals or services is separate from obtaining approval for the event to proceed (through approval of the Events Health and Safety checklist/risk assessment). Contact details and the remit of permissions are outlined below:
- Health and Safety Services for all general health and safety enquiries. Alternatively contact your local Health and Safety Manager for specialist advice
- University Conferencing and Events: venues/locations, music/performances, event numbers
- University Catering: advice on non-approved catering contractors, approval of hygiene management plan or selling food and/or serving of alcohol
- Facilities Directorate: building of temporary constructions, use of external power supplies, alterations to building fabric and the External Spaces Team
- Fire Safety Managers: fire safety risks and precautions.
- Security: music/performances, contentious events, large numbers of attendees, assets left unattended
- Secretariat: contentious events.
Getting started
The following worked examples include those of frequently occurring University events to provide guidance on the steps required when putting the above processes into practice.
BBQs on campus (minor event)
- Food is provided, cooked and served by University catering or an approved, exernal supplier: complete actions of the Events Health and Safety Proforma ON University Premises Risk Assessment and the Events Health and Safety Checklist ON University Premises. Completed Events Health and Safety Checklists for minor events need to be approved by the nominated Event Approver.
- Food is provided, cooked and served by colleagues within a local team: complete actions of the Events Health and Safety Proforma ON University Premises Risk Assessment and the Event Health and Safety Checklist ON University Premises. Follow the Fire Safety at BBQs Infomation Sheet, the Preparing a Hygiene Management Plan Information Sheet and complete the Hygiene Management Plan. Completed Events Health and Safety Checklists for minor events need to be approved by the nominated Event Approver.
Bakes sales/fundraising on campus (minor event)
Complete actions of the Events Health and Safety Proforma ON University Premises Risk Assessment and the Events Health and Safety Checklist ON University Premises. Follow the Preparing Food at Home Information Sheet. Completed Events Health and Safety Checklists for minor events need to be approved by the nominated Event Approver.
Drinks reception on campus (minor event)
Complete actions of the Events Health and Safety Proforma ON University Premises Risk Assessment and the Events Health and Safety Checklist ON University Premises. If providing alcohol, follow the Managing Alcohol at Minor Events Information Sheet. Completed Events Health and Safety Checklists for minor events need to be approved by the nominated Event Approver.
Public engagement event off campus (minor event)
Complete actions of the Events Health and Safety Proforma OFF University Premises Risk Assessment and the Events Health and Safety Checklist OFF University Premises. Completed Events Health and Safety Checklists for minor events need to be approved by the nominated Event Approver.
Frequently asked questions
Can i use a previous risk assessment/event checklist?
If an event is repeated - or is a regular activity - then it makes sense to reuse a previous Event Risk Assessment and Event Checklist. However you should check that the information in the existing assessments and checklists remains relevant and, if required, the documents are updated to ensure they relate to the event in question. You may also need to seek the permissions from the relevant University teams.
Even if no updates are required you will still need to obtain approval (re-date and sign off by the Events Approver) before the new event.
If you are planning to run a sequence of similar events you can ask the Events Approver (and any specialist teams providing permissions) to give you authorisation to hold a series of events as long as the arrangements are the same and the level of risk will not change.
Who should I share event information/risk assessments/checklists with?
The information within your risk assessment and/or event checklist should be shared with others who are involved or potentially affected by the event including:
- the Event Approver
- event team members through inductions, briefings or training
- your Health and Safety Team (for significant events)
- any specialist teams who have provided permissions
- contractors providing a service at the event (e.g. catering services, first aiders)
- notices to warn other users of an area about an event
- warnings to nearby departments about potential noise/increased footfall
- advance warning to Cleaning Services that additional waste may be generated and require removal
- staff at external venues if the event is being held off University premises
How do I report an incident, near miss or accident during an event?
Any incident, near miss or accident that occurs during an event must be reported on the University’s ‘Sentinel’ system. Event Organisers should ensure they are aware of how reports are made prior to the event, for example, who has access to – and can place a report - onto the system. This process will be different depending on arrangements in each area (contact the Health and Safety Team if unsure).
Event Organisers should take notes of basic details about any accident or incident (e.g. casualty details, what happened, injuries sustained, treatment given and whether casualty needed an ambulance/hospital admittance etc.) ready for reporting at the earliest opportunity. If an external events medic (i.e. St John Ambulance) has supported an event, any incidents attended by them also need to be reported on Sentinel.
Does this protocol cover events held within the LUU building?
LUU activities held within the Students’ Union Building are not covered by this Protocol. For information on these events please contact
Events safety resources
Downloadable document library
- Events Health and Safety Proforma ON University Premises Risk Assessment: template pre-completed by Health and Safety Services which provides instructions and details of the risks associated with most events held on University premises.
- Events Health and Safety Proforma OFF University Premises Risk Assessment: template pre-completed by Health and Safety Services which provides instructions and details of the risks associated with most events held off University premises.
- Events Health and Safety Checklist ON University Premises: index for events held on University Premises to ensure minimum requirements are being met.
- Events Health and Safety Checklist OFF University Premises: index for events held off University Premises to ensure minimum requirements are being met.
- Events Health and Safety Risk Assessment Table: areas of risk to consider and use in developing risk assessments for significant events.
- Guide to Risk Assessment of Significant Events: support for Event Organisers in developing risk assessments for significant events.
- Event Procedures: flowchart to guide Event Organisers through the key steps of event safety planning.
- Events Table of Required Roles and Actions: summary of the responsibilities required of the Event Organiser and Event Approver.
- Events Health and Safety Standard: sets out the University’s risk-based approach and the arrangements in place for legal compliance and good practice in managing the health and safety of events.
- Events Health and Safety Guidance: explains the essential processes and procedures for event safety planning that meet the requirements of the Standard.
Food and drink
- Providing Food at Minor Events Flowchart: step by step guidance for events where food is provided outside of University Catering or approved suppliers.
- Preparing a Hygiene Management Plan Information Sheet: guidance for Event Organisers developing a Hygiene Management Plan.
- Hygiene Management Plan: template to record how food hygiene will be maintained during an event.
- Preparing Food at Home Information Sheet: food safety requirements for events which involve food prepared at home
- Food Hygiene During Events: guidance on maintaining food hygiene during small events where food is provided and/or served by the organisers.
- Managing Alcohol at Minor Events: guidance on the management of alcohol when provided to attendees at a minor event in a non-licenced venue.
- Fire Safety at BBQs Information Sheet: guidance on the fire safety measures that need to be implemented at BBQs and added to the event risk assessment.
- Health and Safety Allergen and Intolerance sign: print and display allergen signage for events.
- Events Health and Safety Cook Allergen card: template for Event Organisers to detail possible allergens present in home cooked food.