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Heads of Schools and Deans of Faculties



Deans of Faculties are required to work with the Heads of Schools to appoint suitable Radiation Safety Coordinators (RSCs) and Radiation Protection Supervisors (RPSs). In addition, they should monitor the control of risk in their areas of responsibility.

Heads of Schools should work with Deans to appoint suitable RSCs and RPSs, as well as ensuring that RSCs' roles are written into their job description and that they are given enough time to complete their duties. They should also make sure that the RSCs and RPSs have put in place local rules for all groups using radiation.

To identify training requirements for specific roles and users please see the ‘Radiation Training Matrix’ (Downloads> Radiation Training> Radiation_Training_Matrix.pdf).

Radiation Protection Supervisors

The RPS for a group will be the line manager, research supervisor or group leader and they will be responsible for radiation protection in their group. However in shared facilities one RPS can be appointed, by agreement, to oversee all work in that area. For more information about the role of an RPS, see the Radiation Protection Supervisor/Principal Investigator information page.

The RPS appointment form is in the 'Related downloads' section at the bottom of this page.

Radiation Safety Coordinators

The main roles of RSCs will be: to assist in creating suitable risk assessments and local rules; to monitor compliance with the Standard Operating Procedure; and to manage local procedures for waste disposal, dosimetry and registration of workers. The RSC will also be expected to supervise and inspect their assigned labs and groups. For more information about the role of the RSC, see the Radiation Safety Coordinator information page.

The RSC appointment form is in the 'Related downloads' section at the bottom of this page.

The University Standard

The 'Standard for the Management of Sources of Ionising Radiation' (Downloads> Ionising Radiation Protocol and Governance> Standard_for_Ionising_Radiation_2019_v2.pdf) and the associated 'Heads of Schools Guidance Note' (Downloads> Ionising Radiation Protocol and Governance> Ionising_Radiation_Guidance_2019.pdf) sets out and explains how to meet the university's safety requirements for the use of ionising radiation.

Heads of Schools and Deans of Faculties Downloads