Faculty incidental work
So now you have decided that your work involves incidental’ contact with hazardous biological material, (and you do not intend to isolate, concentrate or propagate the hazardous biological materials). In other words your work might involve environmental sampling, handling human materials for an art exhibition, chemical analysis of blood, saliva or sewage samples or similar.
Please read the following documents – if you are not sure, or if you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact Biological Safety at biosafety@leeds.ac.uk.
Faculty Definitions - Explanations of some of the key terms you’ll find in these documents.
Guidance for Heads of School - Guidance to explain what you should have in place to ensure you achieve the Standard.
Guidance - Control measures (incidental contact) - information to help you to complete the control measures section in an activity or COSHH risk assessment.
Extra guidance – helpful, optional background information.