Study abroad

Study Abroad Protocol
Study abroad is organised and managed through the University and takes place at another overseas educational institution.
It offers students an opportunity to gain an understanding of living in a different culture while contributing to their degree.
To assure ourselves that the students are kept safe from harm, it is vital that health and safety is part of the planning process.
Key points of this protocol are:
All approvals required by the University and the host are in place before students start their study abroad.
Students complete the risk awareness form before their study abroad.
Students receive a health and safety briefing including usual/ emergency contacts at the University of Leeds and the host Institution, how to raise and resolve concerns before, during and after study abroad.
Health and safety information on each student’s study abroad is kept on record
Each host institution is reviewed following the study abroad.
To find out what you need to do, see what the documents attached below mean and how to use this protocol - see the FAQs section.
Please ensure you and your students use the form attached to this Protocol. Further information on Study Abroad from