Radiation protection training

Radiation Safety e-learning modules and other training materials are now located in the 'Radiation Safety Training' area in Minerva which is a self-enrol organisation available to all staff and students.
Enrol to radiation training
If you haven’t already enrolled to the Minerva Ultra Radiation Safety Training organisation go to Enrol to Radiation Safety Training.
You will only need to enrol once. When you have enrolled open the Radiation Safety Training Homepage and go to the appropriate folder 'Ionising radiation' or 'Lasers' to find the course materials you need.
Detailed information on what is required for new radiation or laser users can be found on the:
New users of ionising radiation page or
New laser users page
To identify training requirements for specific roles and users please see the ‘Radiation Training Matrix’ (Downloads> Radiation Training> Radiation_Training_Matrix.pdf).