
Fieldwork is an essential part of University teaching and research, which inspires and enables academic and personal development. People organising fieldwork need to use an effective risk assessment process to ensure that as a University we fulfil our duty of care to protect staff, students and other affected people.
UK and International Fieldwork
Fieldwork in the UK – you will need to complete the fieldwork risk assessment – see the document under the ‘Downloads’ link at the bottom of this page.
International Fieldwork – you will need to complete the fieldwork risk assessment – see the document under the ‘Downloads’ link at the bottom – and any local faculty/ school processes. If you wish to travel to a country where the Government advises against all or all but essential travel, you will also need to follow the Travel against Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) advice procedure (see the Procedure under ‘ Fieldwork Downloads’ at the bottom of this webpage). Please note that, international travel may be prevented at the last minute, due to fast-changing government (and local) rules.
If you have any initial questions, please contact your Health and Safety Manager.
Prior to all Fieldwork
- A full fieldwork risk assessment must be carried out.
- The fieldwork risk assessment should be reviewed by your Health and Safety Manager (or delegate), and approved by Head of School/ Service and/ or Executive Dean/ Director (or delegates).
- Only staff and students with approved fieldwork risk assessments are permitted to carry out fieldwork.
- Inform your line manager / academic supervisor of any personal circumstances that need to be considered before carrying out any fieldwork, these should also be considered within the fieldwork risk assessment.
- Travel arrangements are to be booked through Key Travel.
- If you display any symptoms of covid-19, you should follow Government guidelines and inform your line manager/ academic supervisor.
- If you have any questions, please contact your Health and Safety Manager.
While on Fieldwork
- If you become unwell while in the field, inform your line manager/ academic supervisor as soon as possible.
- You should follow any additional requirements identified in the fieldwork risk assessment and notify your Health and Safety Team, if you are unable to follow any of the identified control measures. This includes any requirement to wear Personal Protective Equipment.
- Personal hygiene measures, appropriate to the location you are working in should be implemented. Where possible the use of welfare provision is preferable. However, it is recognised that in remote locations these may not be available.