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Health and Wellbeing

Staff Counselling and Psychological Support

The Staff Counselling and Psychological Support Service (SCPSS) provides confidential professional support for all University staff for personal and/or work-related challenges.

Occupational Health

We provide a range of services and activities to promote and support the health and wellbeing of staff in the workplace.

Employee Assistance Programme

The University’s Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) offers access to a 24/7 helpline and counselling services which are now available to both colleagues and their immediate family.

Mental health and wellbeing

When seeking help for your mental health, it can be hard to know how to start or where to go. Learn more about our avenues of support.

Window on Wellbeing

Explore our programme of upcoming health and wellbeing events for staff and students


Information, guidance and support to help staff and managers gain a better understanding of the menopause.


Practicing mindfulness allows us to tune into what we’re sensing in the present moment rather than dwelling on the past or anticipating the future. Here are some techniques to get you started.

Sleep matters

Tips and resources to help you improve your sleep and where to find support if lack of sleep is impacting on your quality of life.

Campus and community

It's important to stay connected - find out more about the many ways you can get involved with the University community.

Free period products

The University has expanded its provision of free period products across the campus. Check out the locations where these are now available.

Smokefree campus

The University of Leeds is proud to be a Smokefree campus, asking people not to smoke outside between 8am and 6pm.