Calling for an ambulance
First aid and emergency assistance

What to do if someone requires first aid
Call for a First Aider: each school/ service has its own way of calling first aiders - look out for information and posters on how to do this in your area.
If an ambulance is needed, call 999* first so they can help you and the casualty immediately. (*Dial 9 for an outside line first if you’re calling from an internal University landline.)
Then tell Security you’ve called for an ambulance by calling 0113 34 32222* (ext 32222) so they can assist and direct the ambulance to you through our complex campus.
For more information speak to your Health and Safety Manager or email
If you need a defibrillator
The University has a network of defibrillators across campus – see the defibrillator map. Anyone can use a defibrillator – the machine provides step-by-step instructions. This useful video by St John Ambulance gives you more details.
A PDF of the poster is attached at the bottom of the page – feel free to print this out and display it. If you would like hard copies of the poster please contact