Safety alert
Storage and charging of: Electric scooters, electric bikes, electric hoverboards, electric skateboards, mobility scooters, electric wheelchairs, and any other modes of personal electric powered transport.
Target audience: Staff, students, and visitors who are users and owners of the above.
Issue date: September 2023
Key message
There have been significant warnings issued recently by the fire services following a number of incidents where lithium batteries have caught fire and in some cases exploded. On the University campus, extensive damage was caused to a building on Cromer Terrace by a E-scooter battery fire:
It is important when storing and charging personal, electric powered transport devices (or their batteries where detachable) that you do so safely to avoid the risk of a fire starting. To protect yourself and others, the following instructions must be observed. These are in place at all times and will be enforced by line managers, relevant Building Management or Security.
Action required
E-bikes, E-scooters, E-hoverboards and E-skateboards: These modes of transport must not under any circumstance be brought inside any University building. External storage areas, such as bike stores, bike shelters or bike lockers – should be used.
Charging of E-bikes, E-scooters, E-hoverboards, E-skateboards or their batteries - where detachable - must not under any circumstance take place within a University building.
We recognise the impact this may have on E-Bike users. To support the continued use of E-Bikes the University is working to install lockable external charging points in locations across campus.
Mobility scooters and electric wheelchairs
Mobility scooters and electric wheelchairs can be used within University property however the following safeguards should be considered:
- Always store mobility scooters and electric wheelchairs within a fire resisting room.
- Charging of batteries should only take place in designated fire resisting rooms.
- To ensure early warning of a fire, adequate fire detection - connected to the building fire alarm - should be in place within the room they are being stored/charged.
- Unsupervised charging should be avoided.
- Never store or charge in common escape routes or staircases.
- Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for charging and maintenance of batteries.
- Always use original charging cables, devices and batteries.
This alert is in place from 1 October 2023, however we will be operating an amnesty period until January 2024 where anyone found to be charging or storing these devices or their batteries inside buildings will be reminded of the rules. From January 2024 it may be necessary to take more formal action should it be identified that E-scooters/E-bikes (or their batteries) are being charged or stored inside University buildings.
While we need to protect University property we also wish to support staff and students when charging and storing these items away from the University. Please visit Electrical Safety First for further advice and information.
Frequently asked questions
What if I see someone charging/storing an E-scooter/E-bike(or their batteries) inside?
Please share this safety alert with them and explain that E-scooters/E-bikes (or their batteries) cannot be charged or stored inside University buildings. If you do not feel confident to speak to the person, then please report this to your line manager/supervisor or contact Security.
What is a fire resisting room and how are these identified?
A fire resisting room is equipped to prevent the movement/spread of fire within a building. To find out if a room is fire resisting, please contact your Fire Safety Manager or email
Where can I store/charge my E-bike on campus?
There are multiple bike storage areas on campus for you to store/lock your bike. The University is working on providing areas which will include external charging points. These will be in place before January 2024 and further details will be communicated in due course.
Am I still able to take my E-bike to the Bike Hub for maintenance?
Special control measures are being arranged by the Fire Safety Team and the Sustainability Service to ensure staff and students can continue to utilise the Bike Hub’s facilities.
Further information
Visit the Fire safety webpage which provides guidance on University fire safety procedures. Further advice can be sought from your Fire Safety Manager, Health and Safety Manager or by emailing
Download a copy of the Safety Alert guidance.