Frequently Asked Questions
What is a health and safety protocol?
A suite of documents which sit alongside the University Health and Safety Policy and provide detailed information on what you need to do to meet both legal and University requirements for different health and safety topics.
What documents are there in the protocol on DSE and what do they mean to me?
Standard: specifies what the University expects to be in place to manage Display Screen Equipment (DSE). Each bulletpoint is a ‘must happen’ and everyone needs to play their part in ensuring these requirements are met. Heads of School/Service are responsible for setting up systems and appointing staff into specific roles to deliver requirements; everyone else needs to carry out tasks and instructions to fulfil them.
Guidance: provides one way of implementing a system that will achieve the requirements of the Standard. The Head of School or Service (with your Health and Safety Manager) will decide if this (or another system) suits the needs of each school/service. So long as the Standard is achieved there is often flexibility in the way that it can be achieved.
Eyecare procedure: our free eye examinations for staff webpage provides guidance on the steps staff need to take to book an appointment with a partner optician (and if you have a DSE prescription, our contribution towards galsses/lenses).
DSE training matrix: outlines the different types and levels of training required for DSE work.
What do I need to do?
Head of School/ Service: discuss the protocol (particularly the Standard, Guidance, Eyecare Procedure and Training matrix) with your Health and Safety Manager ensure you have a system in place to fulfil the Standard.
Line Managers: ensure that your staff carry out all three modules of the online DSE training system, and that they are aware of the eyecare procedure to book a free eye examination.
All Staff: complete the online DSE training, and follow the eyecare procedure to take advantage of the free eye examination. Report any faults, incidents, accidents etc - ask your Health and Safety Manager/Coordinator if you need more information or support.