Window on Wellbeing Week 2023
Wednesday 28 June

10:00 – 11:00 | Meno-Pause for Thought Cafe | In Person
All staff are welcome to join our Meno-Pause for Thought Cafe – an informal meet up which provides an opportunity for discussion, information sharing and peer support. We plan to spend the first 15 minutes exploring a theme regarding the menopause before we move to tea, chat and peer support.
Please note this is open to employees of the University of Leeds only. Please register with a University of Leeds email address.
11:00 – 12:00 | Lightning Talks – Menopause and Menstrual Health | In Person
Join us for two lightning talks focusing on the menopause and menstrual health
11:05 – 11:30 | Periods of periods: a bloody quick history of menstruation | Dr Katie Carpenter
11.35 – 12.00 | Lived experience as a perimenopausal undergraduate student | Moyo, 4th Year Medical Student
11:30 – 11:45 | Bitesize Lower Body Posture Session | Online
Are you struggling with your posture? Do you regularly experience aches and pains?
Join Lucy from Sport and Physical Activity for a 15-minute lower body postural session which targets stiffness in your legs, often linked with desk-based jobs.
12:00 – 14:00 | Partners in Climb | In Person
Get together with other experienced climbers from across the University and enjoy the feeling of comradeship as you practise your skills. Whether you’re an experienced climber, an intermediate climber, or looking for a climbing partner, you will enjoy coming together to tackle The Edge indoor climbing wall. You’ll find plenty of technical challenges and lots of like-minded enthusiasts. As well as forming connections, the physical and mental demands of climbing provide a great escape from the pressures of everyday life to leave you refreshed and de-stressed.
All equipment is provided. If you have not done one already we will complete a belay test so you can use the wall unsupervised in the future.
Please note: you need to be able to belay and tie yourself into the rope. If you’re unsure what this is then please book on to one of the climbing wall taster sessions instead.
Venue: The Edge Climbing Wall
12:00 – 14:40 | Chiropractic Screenings | In Person
Mark Butterworth B.Sc. Chiro, D.C., M.C.C., C.S.C.P has 22 years experience as a chiropractor and will be offering mini consultations to provide advice on back pain, sciatica, neck pain and headaches. He will assess and discuss your issues then give advice on the best way forward to manage and relieve your symptoms.
There are two dates available with a selection of times to choose from:
Wednesay 28 June: 12:00 – 12:15 | 12:20 – 12:35 | 12:40 – 12:55 | 13:00 – 13:15 | 13:20 – 13:35 | 13:40 – 13:55 | 14:00 – 14:15 | 14:20 – 14:35 | 14: 40 – 14:55 |
Thursday 29 June: 12:00 – 12:15 | 12:20 – 12:35 | 12:40 – 12:55 | 13:00 – 13:15 | 13:20 – 13:35 | 13:40 – 13:55 | 14:00 – 14:15 | 14:20 – 14:35 | 14: 40 – 14:55 |
Please arrive 5 minutes before your session so a colleague can check you in and show you to the consultation room.
12:00 – 17:30 | Bodington Cycle Circuit Taster | In Person
A great opportunity to have a free pedal round the Bodington Cycle Circuit. Bikes and helmets are provided or feel free to bring your own! There’s no need to book, just turn up.
Venue: Bodington Cycle Circuit
12:30 – 13:30 | Relax and Stretch | In Person
Join Personal Trainer Charlotte who will take you through relaxing mind-body exercises which focus on increasing strength, flexibility, posture and balance. The session incorporates gentle stretches to improve your mental wellbeing and target any areas of the body that are tight. Please wear loose, comfortable clothing and bring a drink of water with you.
12:30 – 13:30 | Nutrition Workshop | In Person
Join Fran to learn more about food groups, nutrients, caffeine and alcohol and how our diet affects our overall wellbeing. This workshop will give you the base of knowledge you need to start eating well, including balancing meals and recipe advice to help you find a healthy lifestyle that best suits you.
12:30 – 15:30 | Pen to Paper – Get Creative | In Person
Join us in the Treasures of the Brotherton Gallery and stay for ten minutes or the full three hours! Pen to Paper is free, open to everyone and all materials are provided. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced writer, use your time to hone your creative writing skills, chat with fellow writers or simply indulge your creativity in a calm, inspiring atmosphere.
Venue: Treasures of the Brotherton, Parkinson Building
No need to book – simply turn up!
13:00 – 14:30 | Sustainable Garden Workshop | In Person
Join the Sustainability Service for a workshop in the Sustainable Garden on campus. The workshop will help you develop new gardening skills, learn about plants, and gain new knowledge on growing your own food!
This workshop will give you the opportunity to get out in nature, connect with others, improve your wellbeing and consider how more sustainable food practices can benefit both people and the environment. All tools are provided but don't forget to dress appropriately for the weather! We recommend sensible shoes and clothing you don't mind getting dirty! The workshop is open to all members of the University community and you will be given a short safety briefing at the beginning of the session.
Location: Sustainable Garden (next to the Roger Stevens Building)
13:05 – 13:45 | Wednesday Wellbeing Walk | In Person
Take a break for a relaxed stroll around Woodhouse Moor in the company of University colleagues. The walk lasts around 30 minutes involving a lap or two of Woodhouse Moor. Please wear comfortable clothes and footwear and maybe bring a water bottle.
Meet outside the Refectory steps where our Walk Leader with greet you.
13:10 – 13:40 | Marks and Spencer Archive Guided Tour | In Person
Join the M&S archive team for a guided tour of the Marks in Time collection – photographs, films, clothing, packaging, advertising and merchandise which span from the time of the Penny Bazaars to today.
Venue: Marks and Spencer Company Archive, Michael Marks Building
14:00 – 14:45 | How Does Physical Activity Impact Sleep? | In Person
Lucy Alderman, an Exercise Referral Instructor from the Sport and Physical Activity service explores how regular, moderate exercise can help you feel more alert during the day and sleep better at night.
This workshop will be followed by a Body Movement session. Please book separately onto this if you wish to attend (details below on this page).
14:30 – 15:30 | Yoga for Menopause | In Person
Find out about the new Menopause Toolkit from the Sport and Physical Activity Service from creator Michelle. This will then be followed by 45 minutes of Yoga for Menopause with Gerry.
Venue: The Edge Studio 2. The friendly staff at reception will direct you to the room where Michelle and Gerry will greet you (you'll need £1 or a token to use a locker, which is refundable). Remember to bring a water bottle so you can regularly rehydrate.
15:00 – 15:30 | Body Movement Session | In Person
Join Lucy Alderman, an Exercise Referral Instructor from the Sport and Physical Activity Service for a low-intensity activity session and discover some gentle exercises to try at home. No gym kit is required, these exercises are designed to do as a short break from work so will be doable in most clothing (minus high heels!), come and give it a go and learn some simple, effective movements you can do to break up your workday.
17:30 – 18:30 | Beginners Climbing Taster | In Person
Hosted by the Get Out, Get Active Team this climbing wall session is ideal for beginners, and those who have already tried climbing. It provides an opportunity for you to progress with the necessary skills and knowledge onto our Learn to Climb Courses and outdoor climbing trips. This session will show you the basics of climbing, from scaling 8m high walls to coming back down safely. You will also learn about climbing movement skills, helping you complete some of our graded climbing routes with style. No experience is necessary and all equipment is provided.
Venue: The Edge Climbing Wall.
Book your place – 6 spaces available