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Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy

Faculty Operations Directors responsibilities

Faculty Operations Directors responsibilities

Faculty Operations Directors have the responsibilities outlined below. These are in addition to those accrued via other roles (e.g. member of staff, academic leader, line manager, or academic tutor): 

  • carry out the health and safety management roles delegated by members of UEG 

  • ensure compliance, implementation, continual improvement and monitoring of the University’s health and safety management system and local arrangements 

  • demonstrate leadership and commitment within their faculty for health, safety and wellbeing 

  • support the implementation of this Policy and the Health and Safety Protocols 

  • work in partnership with Wellbeing, Safety and Health, and meet regularly with their representatives 

  • promote the importance of staff being involved in the consultation/ participation process to develop University Health and Safety Protocols 

  • encourage the reporting of accidents, incidents, near misses and cases of work-related ill health, and be involved in investigations where required 

  • if setting up any agreement on behalf of the University, ensure that health and safety responsibilities are clearly documented and agreed (e.g. risk management arrangements, two-way communication, emergency procedures) 

  • inform the UEG members or Director of Wellbeing, Safety and Health, of any health and safety performance issues.