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Training for health and safety coordinators


Benefits of the training programme:

1. Level 1: introductory modules/videos
These introductory modules and videos must be completed when identified as essential. They act as short health and safety briefing sessions of about 10 minutes which provide you with relevant and concise health and safety information. The modules help to raise your awareness of health and safety and understand its importance at the University of Leeds. They do not demonstrate health and safety competency.

2. Introductory sessions (level 1) and practical workshops (level 2) These workshops will provide you with a forum to discuss your health and safety concerns, share good practice and positively contribute to health and safety management at the University.

It will:

  • develop your confidence to deal with issues related to staff health and safety

  • help you to build your knowledge of health and safety

  • help you to implement health and safety principles effectively and support others

  • enable us to hear your thoughts and challenges enabling us to consider them when developing University Health and Safety Protocols

3. Management seminars and additional workshops relevant to the role:
The “seminars and additional workshops relevant to the role” will provide you with some tools and techniques to work more efficiently with others. These workshops do not require an assessment of competency.

Following your attendance at level 2 courses:

After having attended the level 2 workshops highlighted in pink and identified as essential for your role, please contact your Health and Safety Manager who can then formally sign-off your health and safety competency and provide you with the necessary guidance.

This process should only apply to the H&S topics you are practising. If you are not practising these elements the courses identified as “Essential” will still need to be undertaken but the post course activity assessment will not need to take place until you are partaking in the activity.

Please contact your Health and Safety Manager who will explain how this can be demonstrated and recorded.

Essential (E) and Locally Determined (LD) courses:

All Health and Safety Coordinators must complete the Level 2 courses identified as “E” (Essential) unless they can demonstrate that they have acquired the relevant level of health and safety competency.

The courses identified as “LD” (Locally Determined) may or may not be essential to you depending on your role, activities and departmental arrangements. Your Health and Safety Manager should be able to advise.

Health and Safety Services are committed to providing staff with high quality training that meets your needs as closely as possible. If you have a particular requirement on training or briefing session then please complete the form below and return it to us. Someone will then contact you to discuss your suggestion in greater detail.

Training for Health and Safety Coordinators Downloads