Smokefree campus

The University of Leeds is a Smokefree campus
The University of Leeds is proud to be a Smokefree campus, asking people not to smoke outside between 8am and 6pm. We aim to inspire people - and in particular current and future generations of young people – to choose not to smoke. Currently people can still vape on campus, as it’s recognised as an aid to stop smoking. Smoking and vaping inside University buildings or by their entrances remains prohibited.
Why are we a Smokefree campus?
The University is committed to the health, safety and wellbeing of our staff, students and visitors.
We can act as a role model to young people, inspiring a future Smokefree generation. If a young person does not take up smoking by the age of 26 they are much less likely to become a smoker.
As a research institution which also trains healthcare professionals, we know that smoking is the biggest cause of preventable death in England; if people never take it up as a habit (or choose to quit) there are many health benefits.
We are reflecting the changes in wider society - the rate of smoking is reducing nationally.
The University is also aligning with the city partners to move towards a Smokefree culture and environment for all.
Key facts about the Smokefree campus
Every day between 8am and 6pm, the University asks people not to smoke outdoors on the Smokefree campus.
You can still vape outdoors as Public Health England sees it an aid to quit smoking.
Smoking or vaping inside University buildings including entrances, covered walkways and doorways, or in vehicles when used for University business, is still strictly prohibited.
Which areas does the Smokefree campus cover?
Our Smokefree covers all outdoor space:
Main campus including LUU and all space within the boundaries of: Woodhouse Lane, Clarendon Road, Mount Preston Street, Leeds General Infirmary (LGI) and the inner ring road.
Leeds University Business School (LUBS).
Fairbairn House.
University-owned and managed Residences and sports grounds e.g. Sports Park Weetwood, Bodington Playing Fields.
For further information
If you want help to cut down or quit smoking, please see the Quit Smoking webpage.
See the Human Resources Smoking Policy page.